Ph.D Candidate
University of the Basque Country
Itsaso Manias-Muñoz is a third-year Ph.D student at the University of the Basque
Country, Spain. She holds a doctoral grant from the Basque Government to carry out
her thesis entitled: Fagor Electrical Appliances S.Coop: analysis of the crisis from the
communication point of view. The research work concerns discovering the crisis
communication management before, during and after the bankruptcy of a cooperative
company in 2013, Basque Country. Her project also addresses the handling of
communication through media content and framing analysis. Concerning the
methodological application, she uses mixed research approaches, such as focus groups,
in-depth interviews, content analysis, and a Delphi Study.
After graduating in Audiovisual Communication from Mondragon University
(2011), she got a Master’s degree in Management of Audiovisual, Business and
Institutional Communication from the University of Deusto (2012), and a Master’s degree
in Social Communication from The University of the Basque Country (2013). Currently,
she is effectuating a research stay at Grady College of Journalism and Mass
Communication, UGA. Where she seeks to undertake a Crisis Communication Delphi
Study under the supervision of Dr. Yan Jin.
She is also collaborating and supporting her home research team called HGH
(Media, Society and Education) http://www.ehu.eus/en/web/hgh/hasiera, where she is
immersed in various research projects: (1) Innovative strategies of the main privately
owned media in the Basque and Catalan languages, and (2) Map of digital slow
Journalism in Spanish, a compilation of innovative quality practice. Prior to her Ph.D.
project, she worked as communication manager for several Basque companies and