Managing Partner
Homeland Security Strategic Communications
United States
Chris Battle is a Partner at Adfero Group. Chris serves as the lead communications strategist to many of Adfero’s clients and also manages the firm’s Homeland Security practice, working with both public and private sector clients seeking to make an impact with key decision makers in Washington. Chris brings extensive expertise as a veteran of the public affairs world, with proven experience in media relations, crisis communications, issue advocacy and political campaigns. Chris specializes in planning and executing customized communications strategies for clients that merge traditional public relations tactics with the latest new media tools.
Chris provides high-level strategic counsel to Fortune 200 corporations, top government agencies, major trade associations and non-profit organizations. Most recently, Chris has overseen the messaging and strategic planning for Adfero projects with the Department of Homeland Security, Harris Corporation, Carbon Motors Corporation, the National Association of Manufacturers, PhRMA, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, and the U.S. Port Police.
Before joining Adfero, Chris served as an advisor during the creation of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and was later appointed Director of Public Affairs for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). After helping to reorganize ICE’s public affairs shop, Chris became the agency’s Chief of Staff, where he integrated public affairs, public outreach and legislative campaigns to promote the ICE’s top immigration and border security priorities.
Prior to his service at DHS, Chris served as Director of Congressional and Public Affairs for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. In this capacity, he oversaw the public relations, congressional relations, grassroots outreach and multimedia offices for the law enforcement agency.
Chris also spent a number of years on Capitol Hill as a Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director, and has worked as a political strategist and campaign manager for congressional and statewide political campaigns.
Chris began his career as a journalist and has won awards for his political, column and editorial writing. Chris earned a B.A. in English and an M.A. in American history, both from the University of Arkansas.
Outside of the office, Chris enjoys writing, photography and spending time with family. He grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and Orlando, Florida, and now lives in Alexandria, Virginia with wife, Dena, and their daughter, Kate.
Panel: New Media & Social Media’s Impact on Crisis Communication
Panel moderated by Boyd Lindsley with panelists Chris Battle, Justine Griffin and Steve Radick.