Chief Executive Officer
Safety Operating System
United States
Captain John Cox is the Chief Executive Officer of Safety Operating Systems and is the NBC News Analyst for Aviation. John is a 42-year aviation veteran with experience as a corporate pilot, airline pilot, instructor, test pilot and safety professional. As a well-known aviation expert, the news media frequently turns to Captain Cox to provide operational background and insight into flight safety. In 2005, he retired from US Airways after 25 years and 14,000 flying hours to found Safety Operating Systems, which has grown into a dynamic company with clients worldwide including airlines, business flight operations, legal firms, manufacturers and government regulators.
He holds a Master’s in Business Administration from Daniel Webster College, and is a graduate of the University of Southern California’s Aviation Safety Program and the US Navy’s Post Graduate Aviation Safety Command Program.
Cox teaches aviation safety at the University of Southern California. He brings both operational knowledge and academic training to the business of aviation safety. He has received numerous awards and recognition for his work.
He was the principal author of the Royal Aeronautical Society Specialist Documents “Smoke and Fire in Transport Aircraft,” and “Aeroplane Upset Recovery Training.” He has also authored “Prioritizing Mitigations in Flight Path Management Accidents,” “Bringing Proactive Safety Methods and Tools to Smaller Operators,” “Adapting Costing Methods to Aviation Safety: Using Financial Tools to Show Value in Aviation Safety Processes,” and as well as many other papers.
General Session: The Challenge: How to Work Effectively with Traditional Media During the Demands of a Crisis
The media, print and electronic, are perpetually changing making it challenging to deal with. How can effective communication occur while not being overwhelmed? Recognizing the needs, limitations and driving forces of the media can help you be better equipped to meet the challenge.
Airplane crashes draw immediate and overwhelming attention, especially by mass media. As a respected investigator and spokesperson for aviation mishaps and disasters, Captain John Cox understands those demands and how to deal with them. Utilizing real world examples of successes and failures in media relations, this case study approach applies to any organization subjected to intense media interest.