Senior Vice President
Levick Strategic Communications
United States
Michael W. Robinson, Senior Vice President of Levick Strategic Communications is a trusted counselor and strategist to global C-Suite executives, elected officials, and financial market leaders. Mr. Robinson has been directly involved with the highest profile business, financial, and policy issues of the last 25 years from Wall Street to The White House to the highest levels of Corporate America.
As a speaker, Mr. Robinson draws powerfully on his experience at the highest political and financial levels. One of the country’s leading financial communications experts, Mr. Robinson drove the development and articulation of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) policies and actions acrossa wide array of issues including Sarbanes-Oxley, Enron, WorldCom, and host of other high-profile enforcement and policy matters. As the SEC’s Public Affairs and Policy Chief, under Chairman Harvey Pitt, he personally counseled the SEC Chairman and the individual Commissioners on all external communications.
Mr. Robinson speaks to audiences globally. He is a frequent print and broadcast media commentator, discussing a wide array of crisis, political, and business issues – and has been cited by The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, CNN, and CNBC, among others, as one of the authoritative experts on white collar crime, corporate crisis communications, and government and political issues.
Mr. Robinson’s presentations are lively and sophisticated- but jargon-free- and incisively focused on the specific industry problems that confront his audience.
Mr. Robinson has counseled Boards and C-Suite executives through multi-billon dollar accounting restatements (Freddie Mac), industry leading mergers (Mobil and Exxon), and a wide array of regulatory, law enforcement, and legislative inquiries and investigations. In the public marketplace, he directed global communications for The Nasdaq Stock Market and the NASD as well as putting in place executive leadership campaigns for, among others, Hewlett-Packard, Ernst & Young, and KPMG.
At The New York Times in the 1980s, Mr. Robinson was a member of the Business Section when it was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the October 1987 stock market crash. He was also a researcher for the investigative reporting portion of the team that won a Pulitzer Prize for stories on the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger.