Associate Professor
Creighton University
United States
Marty J. Birkholt (Ph.D., Arizona State University) is Associate Professor of Communication Studies; he has been at Creighton since 1998. Current research involves the role of social media in health promotion campaigns and the use of crisis rhetoric in political campaigns. He is the Director of the Basic Course and is developing an oral communication text for online instruction. He has served as a consultant on multiple political campaigns, Creighton University School of Law, and several other local organizations. He teaches courses in health communication, oral communication, and negotiation. At Creighton, he was the Director of Debate from 1998-2011; he has coached multiple individual and team national championships. He was the president of the National Parliamentary Debate Association and is currently the editor of their journal. He lives in Omaha with Barb, his spouse of 28 years; they have three daughters: Deidre (a Creighton graduate), Chloe (a Creighton student), and Sophie (a Creighton hopeful).
Going viral? The influence of message, social media use, and national identity on reputational risk
Co-authors Audra Diers-Lawson, Ph.D., Leeds Beckett University and Stephen M. Croucher, Ph.D., University of Jyväskylä, Finland