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Speakers » Xianlin Jin

  • PhD student

  • University of Kentucky

Xianlin Jin is a PhD student in Communication Studies at the University of Kentucky. She is also a member of Integrated Research on Disaster and Risk Young Scientist Programme. Xianlin’s research primarily focuses on health communication, risk and crisis communication. She has developed research to explore health issues emerged in risk, communication patterns of various risk stages as well as the communication between social robotics and human beings during the risk information seeking process. She is also interested in warning design and utilizing big data tools to capture the complexity of risk communication.

Communication Emerged from Crisis Resolution Stage: Topic Modeling of Tweets about Hurricane Maria

To understand the communication patterns emerged from Hurricane Maria resolution stage, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and word-cloud analysis were utilized to capture the complexity of the crisis. Through analyzing 12,146 Hurricane Maria related tweets, five topics emerged: food support, mental and physical health, fatalities, government responses, and water supply.