Graduate Student
University of Central Florida
I am a graduate student in the Nicholson School of Communication at the University of Central Florida. I am on the human communication track and am interested in applied communication research such as religious communication, instructional communication, and risk and crisis communication. I received my Bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Communication Studies and Spanish with a minor in political science. I am planning to go into the professional world upon graduation.
“The Value of Instructional Communication during Chaos: Expanding Learning Style, Gender, and Group Implications”
My research is a replication of the Sellnow et al. (2012) study which analyzed reciprocity of crisis messages based on learning styles. I seek to expand Sellnow et al. to include Hispanic participants to discern if the same results will appear within this population and to expand the value of instructional communication per preferred learning style, gender, and group type.