Assistant Professor
Rollins College
United States
Candace P. Parrish, Ph.D. is currently an Assistant Professor at Rollins College in the Department of Communication. Having a background in visual communication within public relations and health communication, her primary area of research includes the exploration of visuals created for enhanced communication purposes. Candace has presented research regarding visual communication (and related topics) internationally and has won awards for her research regarding visual communication, public relations, and health communication.
“Evacuate. Hide Out. Take Action”: Exploring Infographic Creation for Communicating Preparedness for Active Shooter Incidents
The exploration of visual approaches to communicating preparedness for active-shooter incidences is a lacking area in scholarly literature. This study will serve as an exploration of student perceptions regarding the creation and use of an active-shooter preparedness infographic. Findings will help aid in the creation of an active-shooter preparedness infographic.