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Speakers » Pahurat K Taisuwan

  • Dr.

  • MOPH

  • Thailand

I received my Ph.D. in medical and health social sciences from Mahidol University, Thailand in 2012. After graduation, I was moved from the Bureau of General Communication Diseases to Bureau of Risk Communication in 2013. I was then spent 3 years to develop procedure to handling the officer’s to monitoring and response to media published about disease and health, in addition, risk communication plan for responding to crisis diseases outbreak such as SARS, Ebola, MERS-Cov, Zika virus. During my most recent year tenure in the risk communication, I also wrote many of risk communication guidelines for public health officer, including event-based risk communication concept.

Event-based Risk Communication Concerning MERS Crisis in Thailand

The event-based risk communication called the PH-MTCCTE concept in Thailand to address the public’s fear of any future cases when my country detected the MERS case for the first time. I deployed and tested the concept when the second MERS case was identified. The PH-MTCCTE concept comprises Policy and plan, Human resources, Monitoring and risk assessment, Target audience,