Doctoral Candidate
Bowling Green State University
United States
Saud Alsulaiman, a doctoral candidate in the School of Media & Communication at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), Bowling Green, OH, researches public relations, health communication, social media, and crisis communication. He specializes in strategic health communication, particularly emergency public health and risk communication efficacy. Saud obtained his B.A. degree in Mass Communication with specialization in public relations at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where he gained experience organizing major international research events and conferences as head of one of the university’s public relations teams. Saud also works as a lecturer in the Mass Communication Department, College of Arts, at King Saud University, and will serve as an assistant professor in the Mass Communication Department at King Saud University after completing his Ph.D. program. He earned his M.A. in public relations at Ball State University (BSU), Muncie, IN, where he examined the use of social media during a crisis among public relations practitioners at BSU. Saud has presented and published in many prestigious conferences and journals. Currently, he is working on his doctoral dissertation that focuses on the health crisis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Saudis’ knowledge of coronavirus, attitudes toward the Ministry of Health’s coronavirus preventive campaigns, and trust in coronavirus messages in the media.