Aarhus University
Finn Frandsen is a Professor of Corporate Communication in the Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University. His primary research interest is organizational crises, crisis management and crisis communication. Together with Winni Johansen, he is the originator of Rhetorical Arena Theory (RAT) and the multivocal approach to crisis communication. He has explored various aspects of organizational crises: crisis communication and organizational legitimacy, internal crisis communication, visual crisis communication, crisis consulting, the crisis communication of trade associations, the crisis communication of public sector organizations, and most recently, Popular Crisis Management Books. His research has been published in international journals and handbooks. His most recent publications are Organizational Crisis Communication: A Multivocal Approach (Sage, 2017) and Crisis Communication (Handbook of Communication Science no. 23) (Mouton de Gruyter, 2020). In 2019, Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen received the KOM’ Prisen for their outstanding work within professionalization and institutionalization of corporate communication in Denmark.
Rethinking Reputation in Crisis Communication Research
Reputation is one of the key concepts in corporate crisis communication. Recently, however, management and organization scholars have started rethinking the concept in various new directions, adding exciting new insights into the complexity of the field of reputation management. How can we as academics or practitioners in crisis communication take advantage of this research?