Associated Professor
Goteborg University
Marina Ghersetti is Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, Goteborg University. Her main research area is Crisis Communication, and she has participated in both international and Swedish research projects focusing the impact of digital technology and social media on journalism and communicational practices among the public, authorities and journalists during major social and natural crises. She is presently involved in a four-year project about the reciprocal relationship between crisis communication and societal trust. Her other scientific fields of interest are political communication and journalism culture.
“Different realities, different channels, different messages. Media use and crisis information seeking in a multi ethnic society”
Swedish crisis communication is challenged by growing heterogeneity in terms of ethnicity, economy, housing, and healthcare. How to communicate crises in multiple languages, and to people with diverse and unknown media habits? How to reach all without knowing who they are, how many they are, and where they are living?