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Speakers » Henrik Olinder

  • Senior Expert/Editos

  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

  • Sweden

Henrik Olinder, Senior Expert Crisis Communication and Editor at the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB). At MSB he implements Crisis Communication training for communication officers at local and national levels of government. It includes advising government agencies in crisis. He is responsible for editing research reports, methodology and funding of research. Member of the Editor board at the Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR). He is a former member of the board for the Swedish Association of Communication Professionals. He is Co-author to a book about Rhetorical Images in Journalism.


Crisis communication and the need for coordination”

Crisis communication and the need for coordination In this presentation, a number of different examples from crises will be presented where coordination and/or collaboration has been a significant part of the crisis communication work of an actor. Some examples will concern where coordination and/or collaboration has not been carried out. Coordination and/or collaboration is a priority issue when it comes to crisis management in general. But when is it most effective to conduct coordination and/or collaboration and what results can we expect from it? Is it possible that coordination and/or collaboration complicates decision-making or is it activities that are independent of each other? The presentation is based on studies and guidelines in crisis communication.