Behavioral and Social Scientist
RAND Corporation
Dr. Elizabeth “Liz” L. Petrun Sayers is a full behavioral and social scientist and Co-Director of the Center for Qualitative and Mixed Methods (C-QAMM). Petrun Sayers’ areas of expertise include science (risk, health, environment), strategic, and organizational communication. Her research applies core concepts from the communication discipline to understand how information, technology, and media impact outcomes spanning knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors across audiences. RAND projects have addressed public health emergency risk communication, weather and climate communication, mental health public awareness campaign evaluation, disaster preparedness, information operations and warfare, and community health and well-being.
“Understanding Enterprise Risk Management: How Do Organizations Identify, Measure, and Communicate Risk to Decision-Makers?”
This presentation will discuss how organizations engage in enterprise risk management (ERM). ERM is used to identify threats, prioritize resources, and bolster mitigation capabilities. We interviewed representatives from 20 diverse organizations, and share our results touching on risk identification and risk communication to senior executives.