Distinguished Service Professor
University of St. Thomas, Opus College of Business
Dr. Porter presently serves as Distinguished Service Professor and Faculty Director the MS in Health Care Communication in the Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas (UST). Porter holds a Doctorate in Leadership, Policy and Administration and an MBA in Marketing from UST, and a BS in Mass Communication from Bemidji State University. As an accredited member of PRSA, he recently served as the Ethics Officer for Minnesota PRSA. At UST, he served as Program Director of the Master of Business Communication Program from 2008-2016; and has taught doctoral students in the College of Applied Professional Studies.
Shield bearer or Seasoned General: How the C-suite engages and leverages crisis communication consultants.
Behind the lines of every well-managed crisis, some invisible advisor with a strong forearm of experience establishes the first line of defense. Much literature considers the strategic and tactical practices of dealing with crisis, but this work-in-progress investigation focuses on the relationships among key executives through the fray.