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Speakers » Rodrigo Soares

  • PhD Student

  • University of Central Florida

  • USA

Rodrigo Soares has more than 15 years of experience in the Corporate Communication field. Originally from Brazil, he started his career at Shell, working with Internal Communications and External Affairs. He then moved to the Brazilian mining company Vale, where he held the position of Global Head of Branding and Advertising. In 2015, after 9 years, he left the company to pursue his Master’s degree in Mass Communication at the University of Central Florida. He is now pursuing a Doctoral degree in Strategic Communication, also at UCF, focusing his research in Risk and Crisis Communication.

An assessment of the state of Crisis Management within Organizations and the role of Employee Communication”

This study aims to analyze the role of employee communications in the context of crises. Findings from a survey with communication practitioners will be presented, trying to establish a current perspective about the way organizations consider employees as active content producers, influencing how an organization is perceived by its publics.