Associate Professor
Ithaca College
Cory Young (Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, 2001) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Strategic Communication at Ithaca College in upstate New York. She teaches corporate and organizational communications, specializing in crisis communication, PR, and social media. She has been published in various communication journals (Case Studies in Strategic Communication, Journal of Visual Literacy, Prism, Journal of Communication Studies), books, and trade publications.
“A Major Headache in Youth Sports: Strategic Reputation Risk Management in the NFL and U.S. Soccer”
Concussions contribute to declining participation, underreporting, and denial, representing a risk to be strategically managed. The NFL and U.S. Soccer launched campaigns to restore their reputations and minimize risks. We use Greyser’s (2009) four elements of brand reputation during a crisis to demonstrate how these and other sports organizations can survive crises.