Director’s Advisory Council – to serve as the interface between the faculty of NSC and the director
The membership of the director’s advisory council shall be comprised of all program coordinators; the director of graduate studies; senior staff members representing academic affairs, student services, finance; chairs of all committees; and the deputy and associate directors. The director will serve as chair of the director’s advisory council. The director’s advisory council will meet a minimum of two times each academic year, provided that there is at least one meeting per semester.
The primary responsibility of the director’s advisory council is to serve as the interface between the faculty of NSC and the director. In this capacity, the Council shall: advise the director on any matter of concern to NSC; address issues brought to it by the director and the director’s representatives; raise issues for the director’s consideration; receive petitions from faculty, encourage faculty suggestions, and advise other NSC committees as identified in the bylaws; work with the director to address challenges the School faces and serve as counsel; and serve, at the request of the director, as a nominating committee for ad hoc committees not identified in the School bylaws.
Committee Members
Tim Brown
Debbie Doyle
Sally Hastings
Tommiea Jackson
Will Kinnally
Boyd Lindlsey
Rebecca Morales
Lindsay Neuberger
Adam Parrish
Andrea Scott
Tim Sellnow
Kim Tuorto
Harry Weger