
The bylaws have been approved and can be viewed here.


AESP Documents

(Note – all forms are to be completed in Sedona, access and training manual can be found here.)

NSCM Annual Evaluation Standards of Procedures Tenured/Tenure Earning – approved for implementation for the 2023 – 2024 academic year.

NSCM Annual Evaluation Standards of Procedures Non-Tenure Earning – approved for implementation for the 2023 – 2024 academic year.

The Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures process for the Nicholson School is managed via the Sedona system. More information about that, can be found here.

COS Annual Report Sample (to be completed in Sedona).


Promotion and Tenure Reference (For Tenured/Tenure Earning Faculty)

To view the COS promotion and tenure guidelines click here.

To view the NSCM promotion and tenure guidelines, click here.

To view the NSCM promotion and tenure guidelines that will be available for first use during the 2024-2025 promotion cycle, click here.


Promotion for Instructors/Lecturers (For Non-Tenured/Non-Tenure Earning Faculty)

To view the COS promotion guidelines for non-tenured/non-tenure earning faculty click here.

To view the NSCM promotion guidelines that will be available for the first use during the 2024 – 2025 promotion cycle, click here.