2015 USPS Staff Council Scholarship Application Form
The UCF University Support Personnel System (USPS) Staff Council is a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting a spirit of unity. The mission of Staff Council is to build communication, trust, and integrity within our diverse community.
The council has announced the following scholarships available to UCF USPS Staff. Click on the link above for an application form and detailed instructions.
$100 USPS Barnes and Noble – Employee Book Award
• Must be a UCF/USPS full-time employee, and be enrolled in a degree-seeking program, Undergraduate or Graduate program in the spring 2015 semester.
• USPS Employee must have one year of USPS service completed prior to the term for which the award is requested and have not received this USPS Staff Council Award within the previous calendar year.
• Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 (attach copy of degree audit).
• Employee must provide proof of enrollment of at least one course at UCF or a community college.
• Provide a short essay on your goals in pursing your higher education.
• Consideration given to longevity of USPS employment at UCF
$350 USPS Employee Scholarship Award
• Must be a UCF/USPS full-time employee, and be enrolled in a degree-seeking program in the spring 2015 semester.
• USPS Employee must have one year of service completed prior to the term for which the award is requested and have not received this USPS Staff Council Award within the previous calendar year.
• Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (attach copy of degree audit).
• Employee must provide proof of enrollment for at least three courses at a community/State college or two courses at UCF.
• Please provide a short essay on your goals in pursing your higher education.
• Consideration given to longevity of USPS employment at UCF
$250 USPS Employee Dependent Scholarship Award:
• Must be a dependent of an USPS employee, and be enrolled in a degree-seeking program in the spring 2015 semester. And have not received the USPS Staff Council Award within the previous calendar year.
• A Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (attach copy of degree audit).
• Dependent must provide proof of enrollment for a least two courses at a community/State college or three courses at UCF.
• Dependents demonstrate dependency as determined by the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid for 2014-2015. Include a copy of the FAFSA to be considered.
• Please provide a short essay on your goals in pursing your higher education.
$250.00 USPS Employee Scholarship-UCF Alumni Association:
• Must be a UCF/USPS full-time employee and be enrolled in a degree-seeking program in the spring 2015 semester.
• USPS Employee must have one year of service completed prior to the term for which the award is requested and have not received this USPS Staff Council Alumni Award within the previous calendar year.
• Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (attach copy of degree audit).
• Employee must provide proof of enrollment of at least two courses at UCF.
• Please provide a short essay on your goals in pursing your higher education.
• Consideration given to longevity of USPS employment at UCF
Submit by January 10, 2015
$100 USPS Employee Savings Incentive Award – CFE Credit Union
This award is sponsored by the CFE Credit Union in the form of a savings account deposit. The $10.00 membership fee will be waived for new customers, and amount will be deposited into the winner’s account.
• Full-time USPS employee seeking a degree at UCF or a community college for the spring 2015 semester.
• USPS Employee must have one year of service completed prior to the term for which the award is requested and have not received this USPS Staff Council Award within the current or previous calendar year.
• Must provide proof of at least one course at UCF or a community college and have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5 (attach copy of degree audit).
• Please provide a short essay on your goals in pursing your higher education.
• Consideration given to longevity of employment at UCF.
USPS Employee Professional Development Award – up to $100
This award is to reimburse employees who have taken additional training not paid for by their department. Expenses eligible for reimbursement include: Registration, course fees, or cost of materials paid for workshops, conferences, symposiums & continuing education.
• Full-time USPS employee that has one year of service completed prior to the term for which the award.
• Submit conference/workshop information with a statement of the business purpose for the training and payment receipt.
Click on the link above for detailed instructions and an application form. Applications should be sent to:
Jamie LaMoreaux/Scholarship Committee, 407-882-0191
Library Acquisitions Dept.
Bldg 2, Room 502
Or Fax to: 407-823-6289