Each summer dozens of blockbusters are released into movie theaters around the world to entice the many students on break from school. This summer was much the same. Many of the largest production companies brought huge films to audiences around the world. According to The New York Times, there was a 6.6 percent increase in attendance of audiences in theaters this summer.
This increase could be due to an increase of films released this summer as well. Many of the films such as The Lone Ranger and Turbo were expected to be large money makers for their respected producers: Disney and DreamWorks. However both of these films were actually the largest flops each company had ever released based on production costs and overall ticket sales.
Even with several of these bombs, Disney still brought in the highest totals this summer thanks to huge releases: Monsters University (prequel to Monster’s Inc.) and Iron Man 3.
Such an superb summer for the box office is a fantastic sign even with newer forms of illegally streaming these same movies via the internet. This unethical method has previously hurt years past. Even with many of these sites being shut down by the authorities, other sites still find ways of passing through the radars.
Another big difference of years past is the initial ticket prices to see these movies. Prices are typically set forth by the production companies, but some companies left the prices up to the individual theaters to decide. This is much the case in the more expensive 3-D movies.
My personal opinion of this summer for movies in the box office is extremely promising. I saw several films that I both liked, and that I regretted even seeing. Even with that said, it was an excited summer for movie lovers of all ages.