Author Archives: alice_moskola

Quality Control: Two Heads Are Better Than One

Most of us view the world of news as factual. Hard hitting stories come into our lives via television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and even magazines. The people of today spend a large portion of their time using at least …

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Paying To Surf the Web: Splash or Tidal Wave?

In today’s society, dictionaries and encyclopedias have become irrelevant when compared to the simple and direct service online search engines. We all have used a search engine to look up a historical event, proper spelling of a word, favorite hobby, …

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A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words: Photographic Impact on Our Society

Journalists of today know that words are the cake in a story but a picture is the perfect icing on top. We all love to get down to the nitty gritty when investing our time in a juicy article or …

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Popularity vs Preference: Today’s Cost of Social Acceptance

In elementary school we all wanted those cool new shoes. The ones the popular girls wore that lit up and had sparkles on them. In middle school, we begged our parents for a cell phone so that we too could …

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Tabloid Entertainment: The NEW News

The line at the end of a trip to the grocery store is a beautiful place for many. Yes, you get to pay for your food and put an end to a long shopping trip, but many also take advantage …

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Age vs Overload: How Children’s Programming Gives Adults a Break

As adults, our minds are constantly at work. Yes, we stress our brains at our job, the bank, driving home, and even cooking dinner. However, with today’s technological advancements, information is EVERYWHERE whether we seek it or not. Even while …

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Ipad or Knitting Needles: A Technological Struggle for the Elderly

This year I journeyed out on black Friday as shoppers pushed their way through Target’s electronics department. As I walked swiftly past it, I can tell you that the first item on my personal shopping list was definitely not an …

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