iPhone 6: What does Apple Have Planned Next

It has come to that time of the year again when we all gather around our computers and search the vast internet for clues on what Apple has up their sleeve for the new year installment of their products. Fans and consumers are looking forward to the new iPhone 6 hoping that it has some of the features that some other phones on the market have already. It should be noted that no one will know what the product looks like until the keynote speech introducing these products and consumers are going to be glared to the internet to get a sneak peak of what is going to come out of a company who shook the world up from its simplicity less than a decade ago with the introduction of the iPhone.

From here, Apple has grown into a consistent powerhouse of excellence providing the customer with the ample products they need to be productive in this technologically advancing world.  Who knows what Apple has planned, but one can only wonder about the new iWatch and if it even exists at all. When we look at products that are doing well in the economy now, smart watches are sweeping the world with mixed reaction. Who knows if Apple is going to utilize this method or use a recently patented flexible material that would allow the phone to move and be shaped by its user without compromising any technology that lies beneath the screens the world fell in love with. All we can do is wait to see what they drop this year.

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