April 15, 2013 proved to be a tragic day for Americans all over the country. Everyone felt the disbelief and grief of the Boston Marathon Bombings. According to CNN, three people died and about 264 were injured. The severity of the bombings was clear from the moment the first bomb went off and hundreds of people frantically scrambled to find safety.
Six months later, a young woman from Michigan dresses up as one of the Boston Marathon survivors. The big question on everyone’s mind is why? Alicia Ann Lynch says the costume was a simple joke. She could not have fathomed the amount of hatred and disapproval from the public, that is now threatening her life as well as her family’s.
An article about Lynch on Yahoo dares to ask…is bullying Lynch justified? Everyday we are told bullying is NOT okay, under any circumstances. However, Lynch continues to receive death threats to her voicemail as well as her parent’s voicemail. She has received considerable backlash on her social media accounts. A survivor of the bombings, Sydney Corcoran, tagged Lynch on Twitter and wrote, “You should be ashamed, my mother lost both her legs and I almost died in the marathon. You need a filter.”
Lynch deactivated her Instagram and Twitter accounts after receiving countless messages in support of raping, killing, and bullying her. She momentarily reactivated her Twitter account to plead with the public to stop sending death threats to her parents. She also takes the time to explain how sorry she is for her insensitive costume choice.
Additionally, Lynch has been fired from her workplace. She writes on Twitter “I have been fired from my job. I am paying for what I thought was a simple joke. I know it was wrong now. I wasn’t thinking.”