Finding your path in life is a process full of ups and downs. Having to question your decisions and goals can lead to much frustration and disappointment not ever really knowing what you’re going to do, yet, having to prove to yourself and family that you do. With the economy leading to more college graduates not finding full time positions within their field, life can get a little tough trying to determine what the next step in life should be. In an attempt to avoid the vicious job market some individuals find security in pursuing a graduate degree, others joining the Peace Corp or military.
Life is such a crazy phenomenon. When you were younger you couldn’t wait to grow up and live by your own accord, but now that you are older finding a pause button is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Throughout this struggle of finding oneself in each individual’s version of success, there is joy in the journey. The beauty of life lies within the process. With these setbacks and disappointments, learning what’s truly important eventually becomes apparent with patience.
Too often people look ahead to the end goal, but why not stop and smell the roses along the way. One’s strength doesn’t become evident until it’s forced to the surface. We are all capable of greatness; we simply need to remind ourselves of that. Whether it takes confining in a friend, spiritually, exercise or food— we can do it!