A Pennsylvania woman has admitted to murdering a man with her husband they had just met on craigslist. In an interview with the press, the 19 year old woman, Miranda Barbour, confessed that she and her husband Elytte Barbour killed Troy Laferrara this past november.
Miranda Barbour has said that she and her husband murdered the victim, Troy Laferrara, because they just wanted to kill someone together. They met the victim using a massively popular classified ad website called Craigslist. Miranda Barbour advertised companionship in exchange for money. Troy Laferrara responded to the ad and was given a place to meet, little did he know, he was going to meet his killers. Miranda Barbour allegedly stabbed Laferrara multiple times while her husband choked him from behind.
The most shocking part to an already bizarre story is that Miranda Barbour claims that this is not the first time she has killed. In fact, she has killed more than 20 people saying that after the 22nd, she just stopped counting. Miranda Barbour says that these killings have taken place in multiple states including Alaska, Texas, North Carolina, and California.
The reason for the killings, Miranda claims, is that she was doing it because of a satanic cult. She stated that she joined the satanic cult in Alaska when she was just 13. Police are working with other agencies such as the FBI to investigate the murders that Miranda has confessed to. She claims that she will kill again if she gets out so she doesn’t want to leave prison.
Perhaps this new crazy story will open peoples eyes to the dangers of the internet. People don’t think before they respond to things like Craigslits ads when you never know who you could be responding to. People really need to start being more careful with the people they meet online and hopefully this will be a wakeup call for some.