The planning team of the 12th annual International Crisis and Risk Communication conference are pleased to report that the submissions links for proposals are LIVE!
Deadline: December 10, 2021
To submit, please click here. Top Student Paper: Students may choose to submit a full research paper (not more than 25 pages including references; APA format). The certificate and $500 cash award is co-sponsored by our partners at the University of Georgia Crisis Communication Coalition. To submit, please click here.
Theme: “Bridging the Gaps: Dialogue and Debate in Difficult Times.” We encourage you to address the theme; however, doing so is not necessary as long as your focus is on crisis and/or risk communication. Proposals: Please include a title and abstract (no more than 400 words), as well as names/affiliations of all authors/co-authors. Proposals that address the conference theme are preferred; however, we welcome any presentation focused on crisis and/or risk communication.