Knightly News Schedule

 News Syllabus |News Team | Helpful Info 

Jan 6          Orientation

Jan 10        Practice Show/Story Conference for next week’s show

From this point on, each Monday’s meeting is our final story conference for the following Friday’s show.  Each Friday after Jan. 10 is dedicated to our live news cast.  After the show debrief, you are required to meet as a class without me in the news room to initialize assignments for the next show.

Holidays:  Jan 20.   (This means the initial story conference on Friday, Jan. 17 will also  finalize assignments for the Jan. 24 show.)

Spring Break:  March 3-8.  The RTV facility will be closed these days…no editing; no checkout; no studio.  Initial story conference after the show on Feb. 28 will be for the March 14 show.

Knightly News

Knightly News
Weekly Deadlines


(all of the following information is available in the Knightly Style Manual)

TEAM MEMBER                  DAY               TIME                      PRODUCT
Reporters                                  Friday         after debrief        at least one preliminary story idea for next Friday’s show
                                                 Monday          1:00 pm              finalize story idea(s) for upcoming show
                                                 Thursday         4:00 pm             script approval deadline (by either Dr. Brown or Prof. Bagley)
                                                 Friday             9:00 am              in newsroom whether story is complete or not
                                                 Friday             10:00 am            all stories complete, ready for air, handed off to production crew (VTR)

Anchors/On-Set Reporters       Friday            noon                    in anchor chair on set made up and ready to go with rehearsal
                                                 Friday            12:30 pm             show rehearsal
                                                 Friday            1:00 pm               in anchor chair on set made up and ready to go for live show
                                                 Friday            1:30 pm               live show

Producers                                Friday            after debrief         conduct preliminary story conference for next week’s show
                                                Monday         1:00 pm               conduct final story conference for upcoming Friday’s show
                                                Thursday        end of day           complete rundown for Friday’s show
                                                Friday            9:00 am               in newsroom
                                                Friday            10:30 am             meet with show director to go over scripts, blocking and various stations
                                                Friday            noon                    at producer station ready to go with rehearsal
                                                Friday            12:30 pm             show rehearsal
                                                Friday            1:00 pm               at producer station ready to go for live show
                                                Friday            1:30 pm               live show

Assistant Producers                 During Week                             perform regular Knightly show duties
                                                                                                    assassigned and assist producer as
                                                Friday            after debrief         assist producer in preliminary story conference as requested
                                                Monday         1:00 pm               assist producer in story conference as requested
                                                Wednesday    4:00 pm               begin checking scripts in EZ News for spelling, attribution
                                                Wednesday    5:00 pm               complete CG list for Friday’s show
                                                 Friday           9:00 am               assist producer with finalizing show – duties as requested by producer
                                                 Friday           10:00 am             transport all show content to production crew (VTR)
                                                 Friday           rehearsal              at producer station helping producer with show or in field for live shot(s)
                                                 Friday           show                    at producer station helping producer with show or in field for live shot(s)

Photographer/Editors              Friday            10:00 am              all editing for this day’s show complete and ready for air
                                                Friday             noon                    at assigned task (live shot, etc.) and ready to go
                                                Friday            12:30 pm              perform task as assigned (live shot, etc.) for rehearsal
                                                Friday            1:00 pm                at assigned task (live shot, etc.) and ready to go
                                                Friday            1:30 pm                perform task as assigned (live shot, etc.) for rehearsal
                                                Friday            after debrief          attend preliminary story conference
                                                Monday         1:00                      attend story conference to receive assignment(s) for upcoming show

Web Producer                         Daily              9:30 am                conduct web story conference with Dr. Brown
                                                Daily             1:00 pm                update Knightly News web site