A completely unexpected yet very interesting adult product is headed to the United States and will be available for consumption as soon as Autumn this year. “Palcohol” the trademarked name for Powdered Alcohol will allow American drinkers to begin sprinkling their favorite beverages into their drinks or even their food rather than straight out drinking them. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau this week approved of seven different versions of Palcohol ranging from Cosmopolitan to Margarita flavors.
Palcohol’s website promotes their product as an alternative to purchasing ever-increasing prices of liquid alcohol at promotional events such as concerts or sporting events. The creator, Mark Phillips is a self proclaimed active man, who hikes, bikes, and camps. After straining activities such as that Mark apparently likes to relax by drinking, however having to carry around those drinks would be a burden, so he decided to create a product that he can just mix with water.
Palcohol can also be added to food. When adding the Palcohol to your food its not bringing any flavoring to it, it will however add alcohol to your meal with the standard side effects. Cosmopolitan powder on a salad? Count me in. Apparently the company has done a great way to prevent people from wanting to snort it as well. They state that they have added a volume to the powder that would make snorting it very painful before actually feeling drunk.
How this powder will affect alcohol use and sales is very up in the air for now. Hopefully it is something that will not easily get into the wrong hands such as minors, and will not be easily abused. Alcohol may be something fun, but it can come with very hefty consequences. Just as one should be with alcohol, when the future of Palcohol comes out, make sure to be as responsible and legal as possible!