Broadcasting companies have been around since the explosion of television. NBC, ABC, CBS, and other broadcasting networks have been dominating the television industry for decades, especially when they became an all-on-one shop. As more people are aware with this type of industry, staying up to date with current technology, content, etc is key to keep viewers in your program. As online and mobile continue to have an impact on everyone every day life, these companies are becoming aware/concern how they’re able to stay current especially when the main revenue source for companies is advertising.
Few years ago, broadcasting companies decided to purchase an online streaming (HULU) but more viewers continue to turn to different mediums, the companies continue to experiment with content and how to maximize the service without fully affecting their main cord. But as younger viewers, so-called millennials form a growing class of cord-nevers, rejecting the cost of a monthly cable bill, they’ve turned instead to broadband, high-speed internet connections and a range of streaming video services to watch what they want, where they want, when they want.
As companies continue to keep their eye on how this phenomenal continues to evolve, especially as some researchers compare broadcast dilemma with home telephones. Most major companies such as, Apple, Sony and The Dish Network are among those looking to offer their own streaming subscription services. The real question is who will prevalent and who will stumble.