Facebook Will Now Help You Get Over Your Ex.

You just broke up with your partner of over a year and you’ve spent the last three days glued to your couch. Too devastated to take a shower or to eat anything else that isn’t fast food; you go on Facebook shyly between Netflix shows and you see that picture of your Ex having the time of their lives: It sucks, we know. Breaking up during these ‘social-media’ times are hard. That’s why Facebook is trying a new feature to help you deal with the pain.

You don’t need to cut all ties with your ex’s friends or even delete a single post in which your former significant other was tagged in: Facebook’s new option ‘Take a Break’ will appear on your account as soon as you change your relationship status back to single. You will have the choice to pick from the stuff your ex posts and also approve if you want him or her to see your future posts. If you choose the ‘See Less’ Option, their updates will no longer appear on your News Feed and you won’t receive an invite to be tagged on pictures of “the unnamable”. Don’t worry though, you will still be able to stalk them occasionally while you listen to Adele’s new album, perhaps.

This feature, which includes other more specific options, is being tested in the United States and will eventually reach a global scale in order to amend the broken hearts around the world.

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