Some elders would call our generation “spoiled” before they called us “tech-savvy”. Part of me wants to agree with them. However, I would not go as far as spoiled but privileged. Everything is a lot more accessible nowadays because of technology. You can find out the grade of your test within one minute after taking it. Whereas, in the “olden” days the teachers would have to hand grade each individual test and then manually record it into a grade book and then hand the test back to the kids weeks later. We can also access our emails within a touch of a button on our phones. Well some of our generation can. And that is when we reach the fine line of being intelligent with the up and coming technology and just being overindulged with our technology. These smart phones that make us tech-savvy are not cheap at all. Not only are they around 200 dollars for the phone but also on top of that it is usually 100 dollars a month just to have access to the World Wide Web. A lot of students are barely scraping by to get through college financially. Never mind adding an extra piece of technology.
So it is a broad statement to say that our generation is solely based on technology. Because not only can some not afford it but some do not prefer it. Just like Siva said her students prefer the paper books. I know that I much rather desire a paperback book that I can write in over an electronic book that will be lost in the large world of The Internet. At the end of the day it is unfair to call us engulfed in our technology because it is simply a myth. Get your heads out of the Internet and get to know us before you judge us.