Author Archives: jacquelynne bernstein

The Tattoo That Save Lives: The Future of Wearable Sensors

Tattoos have long been a form of personal expression and even rebellion, going against the norm and making a permanent alteration to the body. They are considered taboo by many in society, and change the way people who have them …

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How Secure is the New Iphone’s Fingerprint Scanner?

Apple has always been a company that pours a tremendous amount of time and care into its products. Apple’s Iphone has repeatedly outsold smartphones from other manufacturers, despite the higher price tags and how infrequently a new version is released. …

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The New Features of Apple’s iOS 7

There has always been wild speculation surrounding the release of any new update for Apple’s mobile operating system, or “iOS”. Some even start speculating about new updates as soon as one is released. Apple’s next iOS update, iOS 7, has …

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Thoughts On Rowling Announcing New (Potterless) Adult Novel

Having started the novels when I was nine years old, I am among some of the die-hard Harry Potter fans that have literally grown up with the young wizard.  After the last novel in the series was released in 2007, …

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Death of Whitney Sparks Controversy

America’s preoccupation with popular culture in the form of music, movies, television, and celebrities is undeniable.  As reality show stars are more widely recognized for doing nothing than scientists who have cured cancer and people seem to read more Hollywood …

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