Author Archives: jujubee730

Modern Journalist: What is their Agenda?

In a world where the more devastating your news story is or the more dramatic it is determines whether or not anyone will tune-in to watch you or bother to pick up your news story to read. It’s no wonder …

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Overload: Are you truly a Multi-tasker?

In an age where everyone believes they are great multi-taskers and are able to retain large amounts of information in little to no time is the greatest fallacy of them all. Studies have shown that people who think they are …

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Freedom of Speech: What’s your definition?

According to the constitution, freedom of speech means we are allowed to say whatever we please in public about anything even the government, but we cannot say things can potentially dangerous or life threatening to someone or groups and we …

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Choices: Does Television Provide us with More Than we can Handle?

When television was first introduced to the world it broke barriers that people didn’t even know existed. Television became the new revolutionary item of the decade more so the, century. At first people used television as a basic source of …

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