Author Archives: nlabosco

Internet Depletes Brain Power

In Is Google Making Us Stupid?, Nicholas Carr describes his personal experiences with the trouble he has when it comes to reading a book nowadays and truly staying focused.

Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to

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The Ever Dominating Google Potentially Threatens Our Future

In How Google Dominates Us, James Gleick begins to describe the process of how Google tries to complete our sentences and enter our minds.  Although technology has not progressed that far yet, Google founders begin to describe how they …

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Graphic Images Cause Controversy

In Arielle Emmett’s Too Graphic?, discussion arose in regards to whether pictures published in American newspapers such as the New York Times were too disturbing to have been approved for print.  American newspapers usually leave graphic images out of their …

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Keeping the Web Alive

As time goes on, we become more and more attached to the technologies we are provided.  We grow dependent on them and expect our addictions to be around forever.  Although the technologies we are lucky to have today continue to …

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The Revolution of Standing up to the Government

Whence the Revolution begins to describe events that occurred in Cairo, Egypt among policemen and bus drivers.  The policemen were beating bus drivers at their free will and would record it to send to other bus drivers to make it …

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Progression of Love for the New Media

In Learning to Love the New Media by James Fallows, the progression of how media is changing and what is quickly becoming more and more popular is discussed.  Fallows began describing how news once was something the reporters could choose.  …

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The Relevance of Journalism in Today’s Society

In Overload! Journalism’s Battle for Relevance in an Age of Too Much Information, a new method of strategic planning took place.  When The Associated Press hired Context, a research company, to conduct a study of young-adult news consumption around …

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Television Can Be a Good Thing if Given The Opportunity

In Tele[re]vision, researchers take another look at television. Society is used to hearing the negative effects of television and how it ties in with failing grades and obesity in our children of today.  Nicknames given to the television are

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Information Overload: Technology Affects Decision-Making

In Article 5, “I Can’t Think!”, it is made clear that the more we use technology, the more difficult of a time we have when it comes time to make a decision.  In the process of making that decision, we …

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