Author Archives: selena farkas

It’s Facebook’s Fault: Damaging the Way People Interact

I always hear concern from the older generation like my parents or aunts and uncles saying that social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have a negative impact on teens. Though I do like these sites, I have to …

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Smart Phones- Your All-In-One Device

Just six years ago, before the first IPhone was released, smart phones seemed to be an uncommon treat reserved for the elite. When one my lucky friends got a smart phone, I marveled at the technological feat.  Then the IPhone …

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Monitoring Search History: Bad or Good?

Be careful what you search for on Google- nothing is secret anymore.

Even if the “government” isn’t monitoring your personal computer, websites like Google regularly record what their users search for. This data becomes researched information that is sold to …

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The Myth of Multitasking

People like to multitask; Students especially. Even in a classroom, students listen to the professor lecture, talk to a friend next to them, instant message, and type notes. I just watch them multitask, and I’m distracted. The current generation of …

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The Internet: An Immediate Access to Trivial Information

It’s fairly common to look around and see people on their phones and computers, tweeting or surfing the web. Many restaurants, stores, and hotels provide free Wi-Fi for their customers who can’t last more than a few hours without checking …

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