Getting enough sleep in college sounds almost unmanageable. You’re more likely to pass your hardest class then get the right amount of sleep that is recommended. It is recommended to get roughly 7-9 hours of sleep in order to get that refreshed and satisfied feeling in the morning without being groggy. It might seem almost impossible but here are some tips to help improve your sleeping schedule
First of all, try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. Sticking to a consistent sleep-wake schedule helps set your body’s internal clock and optimize the quality of your sleep. Start by setting a realistic bedtime that will work with your daily lifestyle. Choose a time when you normally feel tired, so that you don’t toss and turn. If you’re getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm. If you need an alarm clock to wake up on time, you may need to set an earlier bedtime. The same goes for weekends, try to keep a constant sleeping schedule.
Don’t take excessive naps. Of course, it can be refreshing and needed at certain points but try not to go overboard with them. If you tend to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night, napping can make things worse.
Lastly, don’t eat big meals before bed. After a normal timed dinner you may find yourself getting sleepy way before your bedtime, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep. Hopefully these tips will help you have a better night sleep!