Giants pull off Victory over Patroits

On Sunday, February 05th 2012 the 46th Superbowl Champions were determined.  The New York Giants and the New England Patriots battled it out in Indianapolis and the Giants prevailed with a final score of 21 to 17.  This marks the second time in four years that the Giants have defeated the Patriots for a Superbowl title.  The Giants head coach, Tom Coughlin became the oldest winning head coach at age 65.  The Giants stunned everyone by only having 7 regular season wins and barely making the playoffs.

The game started off slow with only a combined score of  19 points.  The Giants defense looked impressive by starting off the game with a sack resulting in a safety on Tom Brady.  It was not until late in the fourth quarter when the Giants finally stole the lead with only a few seconds to spare.  The Patriots defense allowed Ahmad Bradshaw to score a short yardage Touchdown in hopes to make the final drive. Tom Brady slowly lead his team to half field with a few ticks left on the clock.  With no time left, Brady launched a hail mary pass to the end zone which was batted down incomplete and sealed the Giants victory.

Eli Manning became the game’s Most Valuable Player for the second time.  This Superbowl victory makes the Giants one of the elite teams with one elite quarterback in Manning.  Eli Manning received the game’s MVP even though his stats were almost dead even with Tom Brady.  Eli competed only three more receptions for twenty more yards than Brady.  Tom had 2 touchdowns compared to Eli’s one, but Brady also had one interception.  The Giants offense played aggressive and obtained over one hundred yards rushing while the Patriots only rushed for 63.  Both offenses were impressive and record setting. Manning opened up the game with nine straight completions to set one record and Brady went on to have a streak of 16 straight completions.  Both records were first for the Superbowl match.

This Superbowl can be considered one of the best Superbowls in history with its tough matchup and close game.  It also held a huge significance in that it was chance for the Giants to prove that they are indeed an elite team.  With the way the Giant’s season started, no one could have seen them clinching another title, especially against a very dominating New England team.  The Superbowl four years ago was the upset that took the Patriots perfect season away from them.  This Superbowl marks the Giant’s legacy.

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