Here Come the Holidays!

Here come the Holidays. Christmas trees are up in the mall, radio stations are slowly but surely being taken over by Christmas music, you can’t even pass a candle store without the woodsy balsam scents permeating from within, and Disney has already decked out most of the property. I am sure it is an undecided rule that November 1 must be the day the holiday season begins and every year, I find myself saying “already?! It is not even Thanksgiving yet!” but I am not going to lie, I love it!
The holiday season is by far my favorite time of year and it is not because of the presents although I will not lie about that either, it’s nice, it is because of what the season holds. It is the one for sure time of year where I am with my entire family and even though we keep in touch all year practically every day, there is nothing compared to being with family during the cozy and homey time of year. I love it all! The smells, the music, the colors, the food, but most of all like I mentioned before, it is the total feeling it brings.
When this time of year comes around, it is always unfortunately paired with the most stressful time in a student’s life: finals. So before I can go home and enjoy the delicious turkey, plentiful amounts if stuffing, holiday music, sleeping in, and just taking in the holiday season and gaining 10 pounds, I have to get through the last 4 or so weeks of the semester.

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