No More Broken Phone Screens?

Imagine a world where you could drop your phone and not have your heart drop to the floor when you see your new iPhone or Android hit the ground full force.  Well that world has almost arrived.  Corning Inc.’s West Coast Research Center is the head of the razor thin glass industry.  They aren’t making the normal types of glass used for the windows in our houses or cars, they are making glass that can literally be rolled up and folded.  As a matter of fact, that is how they ship their glass: In big rolls.  iPhones now-a-days use their signature gorilla glass for their phones.  Remember when the first new iPhones were able to bend?  Think about it.  The glass didn’t shatter when they did.  That is because they are using this gorilla glass.  They are working on making this glass even stronger.  Waguih Ishak, the director of Corning Inc,’s West Coast Research Center, tells people to imagine glass with flexibility of plastic and the strength of steel.  It isn’t far either.  Thanks to technological breakthroughs, they are getting very close to this goal.  Ishak is talking about using this glass for the whole exterior of all your personal gadgets such as phones, tablets, etc.  “If you have a 1-millimeter sheet of plastic, it will take an oxygen ion (moisture) a few hours to get through it. Moisture is terrible for electronics. If you have a 1-millimeter piece of glass, it will take 30 billion years.”  So, not only will your device be shatter resistant and as strong as steel, it will not be able to get wet either (as long as they are sealed well).  Impervious devices for everyone.  What a world it would be.

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