Peyton Manning: Hall of Fame QB Struggles in The Spotlight

The night filled with clear cold skies and thousands of flashing cameras came to an upsetting end for Denver Broncos Quarterback Peyton Manning with a loss the the Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Peyton Manning, for those of you who do not know, is one of the most revered QB’s of all time and completed the best passing year ever for a QB on his way to being named league MVP. Manning, who commanded the number ranked offense in the league was matched up with the number one defense in the league; a defense that would make Manning’s night very long. With two interceptions, one being returned for a touchdown, Manning was visibly upset during the lackluster performance and some wondered if this was indeed the last time Peyton Manning would ever grace a football field.

Manning in a post game interview said he has all intention on coming back to the NFL next year and looking to win his second super bowl. This may all sound good and fans are happy, but, Manning who is coming off of 4 neck surgeries still has to pass a league mandated physical in order to even be eligible for next year. Manning no matter if he returns or not is a first ballot hall of fame quarterback who will always be looked at as a QB that changed the landscape of the position and bringing in a faster pace to the game. Peyton Manning has an overall record of (1-2) in the super bowl and is looking to make that (2-2) by the end of his career.

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