Tag Archives: Energy

Solar Panel Roadways Of The Near Future!

Julie and Scott Brusaw of Sandpoint, Idaho has been working on a solar power road. This road would be made of glass and will be just as strong as the asphalt that’s being used right now. Back in 2009 the …

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Netherlands Adopts Glow-in-the-Dark Roads

The Netherlands being the forward thinking and boundary pushing country they are have replaced streetlights on a small stretch of highway lasting about 500 meters long with glow in the dark road markings. These road marks, created by Studio Roosegaarde, …

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Infrared Used As Renewable Energy Source

A team of Harvard physicists have been brainstorming a way to harness infrared radiation.  They’re trying to harness the heat Earth and Sun and converting it into a renewable power source (DC power).  With the advancements in nanotechnology and smaller …

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Japanese Shimizu Corporation Proposes to Harness Solar Power from the Moon

Although collecting natural forms of energy such as solar, wind, and water are common on Earth, a Japanese company has introduced the idea of building solar power cells on the moon to provide clean energy to the earth. Shimizu Corporation …

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