Tag Archives: technology

Google: The Last Frontier?

In a very thought-provoking article entitled “Is Google Making us Stupid?”, Nicholas Carr compares our modern age to that of the Stanley Kubrick film, “2001, A Space Odyssey”. In the movie two astronauts are haunted by a computer system that …

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One Laptop Per Child Doesn’t Yield Results

One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a non-profit organization that prides itself on attempting to advance the education of disadvantaged children in poor/third-world countries. They do this by providing each child with a laptop. They don’t exactly give out Apple

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The Lucrative Business of Love

It is, without a doubt, safe to say that our society has transferred over to a technological era. With recent news about robotic jellyfish, companies requiring you to give them your Facebook password during interviews, the average teen

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The University of Central Florida students introduce a dance floor that generates electric power

From Central Florida, the same area that brought you men-on-the-moon, radio rocketry pulse, Cinderella’s Castle, and Christmas trees that spiral around lamp posts comes Green Waves! Take note if the environment is any concern on the world’s campuses. On April …

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