Tag Archives: Google

Google Is Creating a Kid-Friendly Version of YouTube

Google is currently working on creating a version of YouTube specifically for children of about 10 years old and younger. YouTube already has settings that allow parents and schools to censor the videos that are available, but this will also …

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The Internet: Our Second Brains

The truth is that I couldn’t imagine a world where technology didn’t act as our second brains. And when I think of how my parents grew up without such conveniences, I shudder. Of course, they say that you can’t miss …

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Google: Allows Users to Access it for Free, While the Creators are Wealthy, but the Authors of the Content receive Nothing

Google is not simply a search engine; it is a way of life, if you need any kind of information just Google it! Having become a verb, Google is the go to for research. What is so valuable about it …

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Google Book Search vs. The Public Library – Who will win in terms of copyright

In the digital age, it’s become all too common to read books in digital form. From iPads to smartphones to kindles, it’s easier than ever to “check out” a book from a local library to read. It’s time the public …

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Online Exam Taking – When sharing becomes cheating, thank you Google

In today’s digital age, when files are sent at the click of a button, pictures of tests are texted around the room in seconds and screen shots of text books are readily available. Where is the line between sharing information …

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Google Everything, and I mean Everything

This past weekend I was making revisions to my out of date resume. One thing I noticed was the email I had on my resume was not the email I check everyday. So the thing I did was change it …

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2 + 4 = Search: Effects internet searching has on the brain’s memory

Twenty-five years ago, no one had any idea how involved computer technology would become in daily life. Computers are everywhere and they are limited only by the software that they operate. But what exactly is software anyway? Do we as …

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Google – the amazing search engine that unveils the world before our eyes

Google is at the top of the most known companies in the world, making itself even bigger than Coca Cola and GE. Even though most people recognize Google as just a search engine, it is actually a much larger company, …

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What Would We Do Without Google?

This wonderful age we are living in has given a vast majority of students and others a possession like no other. Google has saved countless people who are in need of information in just a matter seconds. Not too long …

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Welcome to the Personal Data Economy

It is scary to think about, but yes, there is more information about our personal selves available online than ever before. It is being shared, analyzed, and used; most without our knowledge or consent. By understanding our behaviors, purchasing habits, …

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