Austin Sigg, the teenagers who plead guilty to the horrendous murder of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway in 2012 is now set to spend the rest of his life in jail. Due to the fact that Sigg was only 17 years old at the time, Colorado state law requires that the judge make him eligible for parole after 40 years. But because the attack was so brutal, first degree murder was one 1 of the 15 charges Siggs faced, including but not limited to sexual assault of a child and other charges Sigg received from harming an 22 year old jogger, in May of 2012.
Throughout the court process, Sigg showed no emotion even as they went into to grave detail about how exactly Jessica was killed. On October 5th Jessica was abducted by Sigg on her way to school, after searching for five days he dismembered remains were found in a park, and later on more remains were found at Sigg’s house. It is believed that Sigg kept Jessica in his room for about to hours before he killed her, what happened in those two hours are unknown. What is known is that Sigg attempted to strangle her with a zip tie, after failing at that he used his bare hands, when he noticed her body still twitching he then drowned her in a bath tub of hot water, late her carefully dismembered her body.
It wasn’t until Monday, as Jessica’s family discussed how they would never see their the 10 year old grow up while a slideshow of her pictures were playing, Sigg began to cry, the one emotion that he has displayed through this entire process.