The Hunger Games film (based on a novel, written by Suzanne Collins) is expected to generate more revenue today (opening night) and through the weekend than the highly acclaimed Twilight movie. Twilight is the first movie in the saga. Twilight fans are fanatical, superseding many other fads; the vampire fascination has been arguably the biggest obsession for the last four years. I am shocked that The Hunger Games is projected to be more profitable and popular not because it is inferior to the Twilight sage but only because it hasn’t received half of the exposure. I am currently reading The Hunger Games and love it. The concept and character development is phenomenal and in many ways I hope it does out produce the Twilight saga in revenue because I believe The Hunger Games is a more intriguing concept for America’s youth. There has been a lot of controversy regarding the appropriateness of the novel and the movie for teenagers mainly because of the violence. The story takes place in a futuristic world where “Panem” is what used to be America and all of society is controlled by a “Capital”. To ensure subordination and relegation the Capital created “Hunger Games”, where children/teens from the age of twelve to eighteen are required to participate in a type of survival game, via hunting and fighting, till the death (every minute is televised for the citizens viewing). So yes, violence is certainly a component, but I love the inventive concept Collins chose for the novel. It has a lot more philosophy, grit and substance than the Twilight saga, which is essentially the quintessential love story.
Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment (both production companies that produced The Hunger Games and The Twilight Sagas respectively) have now merged into one studio. This is great for them considering the impact of each of these huge blockbuster hit’s profits. The Hunger Games is projected to blow the original Twilight number of $69 million out of the water. It is important to note that The Hunger Games is the first novel in a trilogy. Breaking Dawn part I (there is a part II coming out next year, the final story of the saga), the latest and highest grossing Twilight film made $138 million upon its debut and The Hunger Games is projected to come close to that according to , imagine what the second and third novel will make! It will be an interesting competition to see which storyline will win. Happy Hunger Games!