Considered to be the most controversial show on television, “Friday Night Tykes” is back and ready for another action packed season. “Friday Night Tykes” is a reality show in its third season that takes a hard look into the competitive Texas Youth Football Association (TYFA). The show primarily follows a youth team consisting of players who range in age from 10-11 years old. Parents and coaches devote hours of their time and will stop at nothing in hopes of their kid(s) winning the football state championship.
The controversy revolves around the question of whether the show brings up important and serious questions about parenting and safety in youth sports, or does it glorify a culture of violent competitiveness.
Over the past two seasons it has been the San Antonio Outlaws running the show, with their hard hitting and zero mistakes mentality which has lead them to back-to-back state championship seasons. In this third season, new comers like the San Antonio Predators, who promote aggressive hard-hitting football, and practice every single day and the Yoakum Outlawz, who follow a completely different approach practicing only one day a week to avoid overexertion are coming to TYFA. Both teams truly believe that their youth program is preparing their players for the rest of their lives.
With the introduction of the San Antonio Predators and the Yoakum Outlawz and their completely opposite philosophy in coaching youth football, poses one question, who will come out on top? Tune in Tuesday at 9pm to watch “Friday Night Tykes” on Esquire network.