The last bastion of hope for print journalism

There are many people see the decline in U.S. print newspaper sales and are quick to believe that the archaic ways of print journalism are soon to be extinct. It does seem to be so in many urban centers, where the media promotes advertisements of new digital methods of obtaining news (such as the many I-Pod commercials from Apple that show the ability of the individual to gather news from the internet). It seems to me that the strength of the print newspaper lies not in the dominant position it has occupied in the past, but in regional areas where it still has an advantage in reaching more people.

In areas of the country where there isn’t a Wi-Fi hotspot every block (because in Wakulla, FL there aren’t really “blocks”) it may be more difficult to reach internet signals as easily on the go. The same goes for 4G coverage, which may reach more than 370 cities but can’t be reached in a farmer’s house in rural Kansas. To these populations, a consistent newspaper can still be a practical way for people to inform themselves. In addition, in states like Arizona where the average age of farmers is up to 60 years old the newspaper can be very vital and thrive economically. I wouldn’t say it is too untrue of a stereotype that the older generations of Americans aren’t as technically savvy as our parents and us, so I assert that a newspaper company could cover local news effectively and manage to make enough money to profit. While there are bills that would try to make newspaper companies into “nonprofit organizations for education”, they would only further flush a market that may be fast dwindling as the penetration of digital coverage over the country expands. The best newspapers will provide local and national news to those who will be better served with a source that delivers. Literally.

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