Arizona passes anti-gay legislation; segre(gay)tion?

Arizona recently passed a law that allows any business owner to deny their services to the LGBTQ community under the grounds of religious belief.  While it isn’t the only state with such legal action in motion.  For example, Kansas was also making headlines with a similar bill.  However, Arizona is the first to pass the bill.  Many LGBTQ rights activists are calling this “the new segregation” and fear that more politically “red” states will be following suit.  It’s sad to know that people will be denied their basic human rights based off sexuality.  It is as if the LGBTQ community can’t escape being bullied, even after they’ve left high school behind.

Still, as long as people are willing to fight, we can hope that these laws will be changed.  Some business owners that do not like the law are already fighting back in one way or another.  Rocco’s Little Chicago Pizzeria in Tucson showed their dissatisfaction with the new law by posting a sign that read, “We reserve the right to refuse service to Arizona State Legislators.”  This is just one example of how people have started to fight against the new laws.  Hopefully, there will be many more protests to come.

Unfortunately, these bills being considered and passed just shows how much the LGBTQ community still has to fight for basic rights.  There are only eighteen states where gay marriage is currently legal.  While these states are shining examples of progress, it doesn’t seem to be enough when other states are moving backwards.

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