Donald Trump’s Support Hits New Highs in National Poll

Billionaire mogul and extraordinary entrepreneur Donald Trump has recently seen his support as the Republican nominee for president rise to 32 percent according to a new poll done by CNN.  Since August Donald Trump’s support has risen massively. His biggest gains have been with women voters and college educated voters, which have seen gains of 13 and 12 percent respectively. Trump continues to dominate the polls and leads the next closest candidate, Ben Carson, by 13 percent.

Neither Ben Carson or Donald Trump have been elected to a government office, but their inexperience in politics appears to be of little concern to voters. Trump’s strong understanding of business, the economy and jobs is driving his support and now 51 percent of Republicans believe Trump will eventually receive the Republican nomination to run for president.

Trump made waves when he first declared his presidential run and subsequently made questionable comments about immigration, which he has since retracted and said were skewed by the media. Still Trump refuses to tone down his rhetoric no matter how intense the media scrutiny becomes as his blunt, strong opinions seem to be amassing support. Recently Trump has declared his opponents “puppets” after they attended a fund-raiser hosted by the Koch bothers.  Trump claims his massive wealth will allow him to serve the American people and only the American people without the influence of outside organizations and donors.

As the race for the Republican nomination intensifies over the next few months time will only tell if Trump can hold on to such strong support. February kicks off primary voting in Iowa and runs through June 14th tentatively. Donald Trump is expected to face off with Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton if current polls hold true to the future.

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